Reality Check. This is you as a Commando your job is to collect weapons by pressing U on the item on the factories, collect orbs and orb other cities by pressing D on the base saying NO PARKING.
This is you as a Mayoryour job is to build research new technologies, build factories to make the weapons, provide your Commandos with the weapons and let them do the orbin'.
This is a turret these are your first defences.These are the smaller version of the turrets below are the larger version.
I call these big turrets. After building a factory for these you place them as a sort of second line of defence. These are larger and more powerful than the other smaller version.
These are land mines. You place these anywhere near you base(these are invisable to enimies screen) and if an enemy lands on this its two poins for you.
These are bombs. Double click them in your inventory after picking them up with "U". Drop the bomb on the enemy base and the place will maybe blow up.
These are Sleeping Soldiers. After putting them by your base by pressing D they will automaticly appear and start firering. These are a MUST GET.
These are orbs the most powerful weapon. Place these on the Main part of the base that looks like this
Place on the sign that says NO PARKING. The place that you set it on must be over 11 buildings.Press "I" to find out.
This is a laser it is the weakest weapon you can have.
This is a bazooka it is the strongest most powerfull gun in the game.
This is a man trap. It is invisible to attackers like mines but when an attacker runs over this one he is stuck and cant move for about 5 secs. Place these very carefully as you only get 3. Tip: place them near turrets.You can also put these in the enemies base.
This is the medkit. Not a weapon however you will need it to survive an attack on any decent city. To use it wait until your life meter is low and then double click on it to refill your life. You can only take one of these at a time.
This is a wall. It is not a weapon but instead a way of blocking off areas you dont want an attacker. Most cover their city center(no parking place) with these to block off potential orbers. You only get 5 so use them well.
For more alot more info, the direct battle city game and more info go to Battle City H.Q.